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The Healing Connection

 Everything You and Your Animals Need for Healthy Living

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Healing for You

It is very easy for us to get caught up in the 'busy'ness of life and overlook our own needs. Reiki is a healing for your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs. A session is time spent to relax and rejuvenate, Your body does the healing while I allow the space for the healing energy to come through. 


Reiki sessions are usually for an hour but can be tailored to suit you, The treatments can take place in my treatment room in Manningtree, or online so you can be in the comfort of your own home. 


The Energy Alignment Method is a self-empowering tool which enables you to connect in with your intuitive self.  I use a method called the sway, which is a way of tuning into your own guidance of what is right for you and what is not. The sway can tap into your own unconscious mind and bring answers for you to help with your own healing. This can be anything from unconscious repetitive thoughts which are stopping you from moving forward or deeply hidden emotions that are subconsciously effecting your everyday choices. Often it is negative thinking or beliefs that can also cause illnesses in our lives. Using the EAM technique we can often get to the cause of a problem and release it from our energy, which allows our physical body to heal.


The sessions I do can be tailored to suit you. Often a combination of Reiki and EAM can take place within a session or you can purely have a Reiki or EAM session.


Prices       £45 for a 1 hour session

                 £65 for a 2 hour session.


Reflexology is also available for £35 for 45mins


There is a 10% discount for a minimum of 3 sessions booked and paid for in advance.


Animal Healing

Animals can benefit enormously from having Reiki healing sessions just like us. Once they have recognised and tuned in to the beautiful healing energy of Reiki they will generally go in to a deep sleep as they know that is the best healing state for them. Healing always takes place from within and animals generally have very little resistance in allowing this healing to take place. 


Our animals are always aware of their humans energy. They often reflect back to us what is going on in our own energy. Sometimes we can see behaviour in our animals that is similar to our own, but sometimes it is hard for us to recognise it. For example an animal can show signs of anxiety, but what they are really doing is tuning into the energy of their human.


Sometimes we may not even recognise this in ourselves. Sometimes they may take on a physical condition, such as a leg wound which their human may also be suffering from, not necessarily in the same format, but similar, for example your dog may develop a limp on his right back leg. This could be highlighting a niggling pain in your right hip. The animal is picking this up from your energy and highlighting it back to you.


This is why it is often beneficial to have healing sessions alongside your animals as they will feel the benefit of your own healing.


Animal sessions, and animal and human sessions can be done here in my treatment room in Manningtree or locally in your own home. These can also be done online for clients further afield. 


Prices     £35 for an animal healing session

               £65 for human and animal healing session


There is a 10% discount for a minimum of 3 sessions booked and paid for in advance.



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Reiki Courses

All Reiki Courses take place at my home in Manningtree. This is a quiet, small and loving space where classes are kept to a maximum of three people.

This allows plenty of time for indivdual attention and hands on practice for Reiki.


For Reiki I & Reiki II the courses take place over two consecutive days. Lunch is included, usually a salad or homemade vegetarian soup, however you are welcome to bring your own if preferred.


On day 2 of the courses we will also include Reiki on animals with some hands on experience.


Reiki Master Courses are usually done on a one to one basis and will take place on two days usually about 3 months apart to allow time for case studies and feedback


Cost   Reiki I     £150

           Reiki II    £175

           Reiki Master  £350



Contact if you are interested in a Reiki Course.


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Transformational Healing for Humans and their Animals

The Healing Connection


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